Over the past couple of weeks we’ve had some very interesting WordPress questions sent in by our readers here at WPMU, and some great suggestions and ideas from the WordPress ninjas in our community.
If you haven’t yet done so, please send us a WordPress question, for the chance to win a 3 month membership at WPMU DEV.
Friday’s question was sent in to us by a reader named Bob. He asks:
Is there a way to give someone – a virtual assistant, for example – access to your WordPress site so they can do work on it (design, development etc.), but have the work queued, and not applied until it has been approved by an administrator? Much like comments or guest posts awaiting approval.
A screw up, whether accidental or malicious, is far easier to “fix” by not letting it happen in the first place, rather than having to go back and fix things.
What are your thoughts, WordPressers? If you can give Bob any suggestions or ideas, we’d love to hear about them. Please leave a comment below this article and let us know.
Don’t forget to send us your own WordPress question – there’s nothing the WPMU community enjoys more than solving a tricky problem.
Image: Approved from Bigstockphoto.
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